Here are some important formulae related to Percentages
- Fraction to percentage: Multiply fraction by 100 and put % sign.
- Percentage to Fraction: Divide percentage by 100, reduce fraction to simplest form and remove % sign.
- Decimal to percentage: Move decimal point 2 places to the right and add % sign.
- Percentage to Decimal: Move decimal point 2 places to the left and remove % sign.
- Fraction-Percentage values to remember:
= 50 %, = 33.33 %, = 25 %,
= 20 %, = 16.66 %, = 14.28 %,
= 12.25 %, = 11.11 %, = 10 %,
= 9.09 %, = 8.33 %, = 7.69 %,
= 7.14 %, = 6.66 %, = 6.25 %,
= 5.88 %, = 5.55 %, = 5.25 %,
= 5 %, = 4 %, = 2 %,
1. 6.25 % of 320 = = 20
2. 20 % of 630 = = 126
- Quantity X as percentage of quantity Y = × 100
- What percentage of a is b = × 100
- Percentage increase or decrease in a quantity =
| Actual increase/decrease |
Original quantity |
× 100
- What percentage is X more than Y = × 100
- What percentage is X less than Y = × 100
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